Chiropractic Techniques Used
The Diversified Technique, the most common adjustment technique used by chiropractors according to the American Chiropractic Association, uses a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust. With this technique, the chiropractor's hands restore correct alignment and movement to the spine and joints, which may be suffering from dysfunction.
The Activator Technique employs a handheld instrument that delivers a gentle impulse to the vertebral segments of the spine or the extremities. This method, characterized by a light thumping sensation, is precise and especially suited for infants, children, or the elderly.
The Upper Cervical Technique centers on the segments connecting the skull and spine, crucial for optimal neurological and biomechanical function. Misalignments in this region can disrupt cerebral spinal fluid flow, normal nerve flow, biomechanical placement of the head, and muscle tone in the neck and back. This method can be used to treat a variety of conditions, not only those affecting the head and neck.
The Gonstead Technique, developed by Dr. Clarence Gonstead in the 1920s, uses a hands-on approach to correct misalignments in the spine and pelvis with specific adjustments. The chiropractor applies a precise, gentle force to a specific vertebra or joint in the spine to restore proper alignment and motion. This technique may help reduce pain, improve range of motion, and foster overall health and well-being.
The Sacral Occipital Technique is a holistic chiropractic method that addresses spinal and pelvic distortions known as categories, as well as organ dysfunction through chiropractic manipulative reflex technique (CMRT). It also uses cranial techniques to facilitate spinal and pelvic adjustments. The method takes into account the entire body, not just spinal function. It particularly focuses on the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which nourishes brain and spinal cord cells and assists in eliminating waste from these cells. Correct diaphragmatic breathing supports this vital process.
Network Spinal Analysis is a unique chiropractic method that falls under the 'Reorganizational Healing Model'. It avoids the typical twisting or "cracking" of the spine, instead employing gentle, precise touches to the spine that prompt the brain to develop wellness promoting strategies. This technique encourages two healing waves, associated with the spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the conversion of existing tension into fuel for spinal re-organization.
In addition to the specific chiropractic techniques, our chiropractors offer a variety of information and resources to support your healing journey. This includes advice on sleep, exercise, nutrition, breathing, mindfulness, ergonomics, and more! Feel free to discuss your needs with your chiropractor, and they will be eager to assist you.